We are always excited to see the various ways developers like to integrate the ZenQuotes API with their projects. Here you will find a collection of project examples and tutorials that exhibit our many use cases.
Twilio Inspirational Messaging Service
Inspire and stay connected with your friends and loved ones, by using ZenQuotes with Twilio Messaging and Go. This tutorial can serve as a great starting point for building communication tools that will allow you to build a Go application that sends inspiring messages via SMS using Twilio Messaging Service to a list of your friends. https://www.twilio.com/blog/inspire-your-friends-using-go-twilio-messaging
Vivaldi Browser Start Page Quotes
JavaScript | nomadic
This mod for the Vivaldi Web Browser will show quotes provided by ZenQuotes API on the new tab page with quotes refreshed manually, daily, on an interval of hours, or every time you view the startpage. https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/72280/show-quotes-on-the-startpage
Clean Start
JavaScript | Michael Sprague
This PWA start page by mikesprague shows random quotes provided by ZenQuotes API along with background images from the Unsplash API and current temp/conditions from OpenWeatherMap. https://cleanstart.page
Encourage Discord Bot
Python | Rodrigo Carraco Rodrigues (@rodrigorod)
A simple discord bot that allows users to randomly get Inspirational quotes messages and gives motivational encouragements whenever someone says that they are sad or depressed. https://pythonrepo.com/repo/rodrigorod-encourage-bot-python-third-party-apis-wrappers
Windows | Unerasable
A Windows based anti-procrastination tool that warns a user whenever they open a distracting application and provides motivation with some inspirational quotes provided by the Zenquotes API. https://github.com/Unerasable/ProcastinatorMotivator/releases/tag/v4.0.0
Slack Channel Inspiration
Node.js | Amit Mukherjee
This very cool tutorial by Amit Mukherjee on Medium shows how you can use GitHub Actions along with the ZenQuotes API to send random quotes to your Slack channel. By using cron jobs you can set how often quotes are delivered. https://akmukherjee.medium.com/zen-quotes-and-the-art-of-github-actions-d57f11c8cc06
Catbot Discord Bot
Discord | catbot.dev
A bot for things from games to Catboys and more, this discord bot has an extensive list of commands that includes random qutoes powered by the ZenQuotes API. https://catbot.dev/
Daily Quote Card Twitter Bot
twitter | @PresentaSw
PRESENTA is the automation platform for data-driven presentational documents. Their twitter bot implements the ZenQuotes On This Day API to generate a daily history card using images pulled from the unsplash API. https://twitter.com/PresentaSw
ZenQuotes Twitter Bot
PHP | @ZenQuotesIO
The official ZenQuotes Twitter Bot delivers words that inspire and provoke thought to your twitter feed every few hours. It utilizes the ZenQuotes.io API and a simple PHP cron job.
Name That Quote Trivia Game
JavaScript | ZenQuotes.io
In this simple JavaScript multiple-choice trivia game, you try and match a random quote with its Author. There is no time limit, and multiple levels of difficulty are available. Game data is powered by the ZenQuotes API. Play Name That Quote
ZenQuotes Start Page
JavaScript | ZenQuotes.io
The official ZenQuotes start page is a fully customizable web app with various modules including random quotes and historical events. Also included is sunrise/sunset, weather conditions, bookmarks manager, and more! https://start.zenquotes.io
Life By Mind
If you’re looking for a dose of inspiration, motivation, and Zen, join our community of like-minded individuals who are on the path to inner peace and happiness.
Life By Mind is dedicated to helping you start your day on a positive note, stay motivated, and find inner peace. Inspired by ZenQuotes, our daily readings are short and sweet, so you can easily fit them into your busy schedule. https://lifebymind.com